To determine the square footage of sod you need, you'll need to measure the area you want to cover. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you:

  1. Measure the length and width: Use a measuring tape to measure the length and width of the area where you want to install the sod. Make sure to measure in feet, as you'll need the dimensions in the same unit.
  2. Multiply the length and width: Take the length and multiply it by the width to calculate the total square footage of the area. This will give you the area's square footage. For example, if the length is 40 feet and the width is 30 feet, the total square footage would be 40 feet * 30 feet = 1200 square feet.
  3. Account for irregular shapes: If your area has irregular shapes, you may need to break it down into smaller sections and calculate the square footage for each section separately. Add up the individual square footage for all the sections to get the total area.
  4. Consider adding extra sod: It's recommended to add a small percentage of extra sod to account for waste, cutting, and trimming. Depending on the complexity of the area and your skill level, adding an extra 5% to 10% of sod is a good rule of thumb. Multiply the total square footage by 1.05 or 1.10 to get the adjusted square footage.
  5. Once you have the adjusted square footage, it's a good idea to give us a ring. We can provide guidance on the amount of sod you'll need based on your product specifications and any specific recommendations we have.


Proper soil preparation is crucial for the successful installation and establishment of new sod. Here are the key steps you should follow:

  1. Clear the area: Remove any existing vegetation, such as weeds, grass, rocks, and debris, from the area where you plan to install the sod. This can be done by manually pulling them out or using a sod cutter or a tiller for larger areas.
  2. Test and amend the soil: Conduct a soil test to assess its pH level and nutrient composition. This will help you determine if any amendments are needed. You can obtain a soil test kit from a garden center or send a soil sample to a laboratory for more accurate results. Based on the test results, you may need to add lime to adjust the pH or incorporate organic matter, such as compost, to improve the soil structure and fertility.
  3. Loosen the soil: Use a rototiller or a garden fork to loosen the top few inches of soil. This will help break up compacted soil and promote better root penetration. Avoid tilling too deeply, as it can disrupt the underlying soil layers.
  4. Grade the area: Ensure the soil surface is smooth and even by grading it. Fill in any low spots and remove excess soil from high spots. This will help prevent unevenness in the sod installation.
  5. Rake and level the soil: Use a garden rake to remove rocks, roots, and other debris from the soil surface. Rake the soil to create a level surface, breaking up large clumps and smoothing out any unevenness. Aim for a surface that is slightly lower than the desired final grade to accommodate the thickness of the sod.
  6. Compact the soil: Use a lawn roller or the flat side of a garden rake to lightly compact the soil. This helps eliminate air pockets and provides a firm surface for the sod to establish roots. Avoid over-compaction, as it can hinder root growth.
  7. Water the soil: Before installing the sod, thoroughly water the prepared soil. Moist soil helps the sod establish faster and promotes good root-to-soil contact.

Following these soil preparation steps will create an optimal environment for the new sod to take root and thrive. It's important to note that specific soil requirements may vary depending on your location, climate, and the type of sod you're using.


Installing sod yourself can be a rewarding project. Here are the steps to follow for a successful sod installation:

  1. Prepare the soil: As mentioned earlier, prepare the soil by removing any existing vegetation, rocks, and debris. Ensure the soil is properly graded, smooth, and slightly compacted.
  2. Moisturize the soil: Water the prepared soil lightly before laying the sod. Moist soil promotes better root-to-soil contact and helps the sod establish more quickly.
  3. Start laying the sod: Begin laying the sod along a straight edge, such as a driveway or sidewalk. Unroll the sod strips, avoiding stretching or overlapping them. Stagger the seams in a brick-like pattern, similar to how bricks are laid, to avoid visible lines.
  4. Trim the edges: Use a sharp knife or sod cutter to trim the sod to fit around obstacles like trees, flower beds, and pathways. Ensure there are no gaps or overlapping pieces.
  5. Press the sod down: After placing each piece of sod, press it down firmly using a lawn roller or by walking on it. This ensures good contact between the roots and the soil.
  6. Water the sod: Immediately after installation, water the sod thoroughly. Provide enough water to saturate the sod and penetrate the soil below. This helps settle the sod and encourages root growth. Continue watering regularly for the first few weeks to keep the sod consistently moist.
  7. Avoid heavy use: Limit foot traffic and avoid heavy use of the newly installed sod for the first few weeks. This allows the roots to establish and ensures the sod remains intact.
  8. Mow and maintain: Once the sod has established itself, usually after about 2-3 weeks, you can start mowing it. Set your mower at a higher setting initially and gradually lower it to the desired height. Follow proper lawn care practices, including regular watering, fertilizing, and weed control, to maintain a healthy lawn.


If you have a lot of shade in your lawn, it's important to choose a grass variety that is specifically suitable for shady conditions. Here are a few grass varieties that are known to tolerate or thrive in shady areas:

Colorado’s Tall Fescue: Fine Fescue grasses, such as Chewings fescue, creeping red fescue, and hard fescue, are shade-tolerant grasses. They have a fine texture and perform well in areas with limited sunlight. Consider our tall fescue.

Provista: While Kentucky Bluegrass is generally a sun-loving grass, certain cultivars, like shade-tolerant varieties, have better adaptability to shady conditions. These varieties can tolerate moderate shade and are known for their beautiful appearance. Consider our Provista.

When selecting a grass variety, consider the level of shade in your lawn and choose a shade-tolerant variety that suits your climate and region. Give us a call, we can provide specific recommendations based on your specific situation.

Sandy soil has both advantages and disadvantages when it comes to growing grass. Understanding its characteristics will help you determine how to best manage it:

Advantages of sandy soil:

  1. Good drainage: Sandy soil has larger particles, which allow water to drain quickly. This can be advantageous in areas with heavy rainfall or where you want to prevent waterlogging.
  2. Easier root penetration: The loose structure of sandy soil makes it easier for grass roots to penetrate and establish themselves.
  3. Warms up quickly: Sandy soil warms up faster in spring, promoting earlier growth and green-up of your grass.

Disadvantages of sandy soil:

  1. Low water-holding capacity: Sandy soil drains quickly, which means it can dry out faster and may require more frequent watering to maintain adequate moisture for the grass.
  2. Low nutrient retention: Sandy soil tends to have low nutrient retention capacity. It does not hold onto nutrients as effectively as clay or loamy soils. As a result, fertilizers may leach out more quickly, requiring more frequent applications.
  3. Less organic matter: Sandy soil typically has lower organic matter content, which can affect its overall fertility, moisture retention, and structure.

Tips for managing sandy soil:

  1. Amend with organic matter: Incorporating organic matter such as compost, well-rotted manure, or peat moss into sandy soil can improve its water-holding capacity, nutrient retention, and overall fertility. This helps counterbalance the natural characteristics of sandy soil.
  2. Regularly fertilize: Sandy soil lacks natural nutrient-holding capacity, so it's important to provide regular fertilization to supply the necessary nutrients for healthy grass growth. Use slow-release or controlled-release fertilizers to ensure a steady nutrient supply over time.
  3. Mulch to retain moisture: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips or straw, around the base of your grass to help retain moisture and reduce evaporation from the soil surface.
  4. Water deeply and infrequently: Sandy soil drains quickly, so it's important to water deeply and infrequently to encourage deeper root growth. This promotes drought tolerance and reduces water runoff.
  5. Consider drought-tolerant grass varieties: Choose grass varieties that are well-suited for sandy soil and have good drought tolerance. These varieties can withstand the fast drainage of sandy soil and require less water to thrive.

Understanding and addressing the characteristics of sandy soil will help you manage it effectively for a healthy and attractive lawn. Give us a call, we’ll be glad to discuss your specific needs.


A patchy lawn can be caused by various factors such as poor soil conditions, inadequate watering, improper mowing, disease or pest issues, or insufficient sunlight. Here are some steps you can take to address a patchy lawn:

  1. Identify the cause: Assess the underlying cause of the patchiness in your lawn. Examine the affected areas closely to look for signs of disease, pests, or other issues. Determine if the patches are due to poor soil, lack of sunlight, or other factors. Identifying the cause will help you choose the most appropriate solutions.
  2. Improve soil conditions: If your soil is compacted, lacks nutrients, or has poor drainage, address these issues. Core aeration can help alleviate compaction, while adding compost or organic matter can improve soil fertility and drainage. Conduct a soil test to determine if any specific nutrient deficiencies need to be addressed through fertilization.
  3. Ensure proper watering: Inadequate or uneven watering can lead to patchiness. Ensure that you are watering your lawn deeply and infrequently, allowing the water to penetrate the root zone. Adjust your watering schedule based on weather conditions to avoid over or under watering. Consider using sprinklers or irrigation systems to ensure even coverage.
  4. Reseed or overseed: If the patches are due to thinning grass or bare spots, reseeding or overseeding may be necessary. Prepare the soil by loosening it and removing debris. Choose a high-quality grass seed suitable for your region and lawn conditions. Spread the seed evenly over the patchy areas and lightly rake to ensure good seed-to-soil contact. Water the newly seeded areas regularly to promote germination and establishment.
  5. Address pests and diseases: If the patchiness is caused by pests or diseases, identify the specific issue and take appropriate measures. Consult with local experts or extension services to identify the problem and determine the most effective treatment options, which may include applying pesticides or fungicides.
  6. Adjust mowing practices: Improper mowing can weaken grass and create patchy areas. Ensure that you are mowing at the appropriate height for your grass type and avoiding cutting too much of the grass blade at once. Regularly sharpen your mower blades to achieve clean cuts and minimize stress on the grass.
  7. Provide adequate sunlight: If the patchiness is due to lack of sunlight, consider pruning overhanging tree branches or thinning out vegetation to allow more sunlight to reach the affected areas. In extreme cases, you may need to consider alternative landscaping options, such as shade-tolerant ground covers or plants.

Artificial turf, also known as synthetic grass, can have different costs compared to natural grass. Here are some factors to consider when comparing the cost of artificial turf and natural grass:

  1. Initial installation cost: Artificial turf often has a higher upfront cost compared to natural grass. The cost of artificial turf includes materials, labor, and any necessary ground preparation. The exact cost will depend on the quality and type of artificial turf chosen, the size of the area, and the complexity of the installation.
  2. Long-term maintenance cost: Artificial turf generally has lower ongoing maintenance costs compared to natural grass. With artificial turf, you eliminate the need for mowing, watering, fertilizing, and pest control, which can result in savings over time. However, occasional cleaning and grooming may be required for artificial turf to maintain its appearance.
  3. Water savings: One significant advantage of artificial turf is its minimal water requirements. Natural grass requires regular watering, especially in dry climates, which can contribute to higher water bills. By switching to artificial turf, you can potentially save on water costs in the long run.
  4. Lifespan and durability: Artificial turf is designed to be durable and long-lasting, typically lasting 15-20 years or more with proper maintenance. Natural grass, on the other hand, may require periodic overseeding, reseeding, or sod replacement to maintain its health and appearance.
  5. Aesthetics and personal preference: Natural grass is often favored for its natural look, texture, and the overall experience it provides. Artificial turf may not have the same level of realism as natural grass, although the quality and appearance of artificial turf have improved in recent years.

It's important to consider your specific needs, budget, and priorities when deciding between artificial turf and natural grass. While artificial turf may have higher upfront costs, it may offer long-term savings on maintenance and water usage. Natural grass provides a traditional look and experience but requires ongoing maintenance. Give us a call to discuss your specific needs.

To determine the amount of seed you need for a specific area, you can follow these steps:

  1. Measure the area: Measure the length and width of the area you want to seed. Make sure to measure in the same unit, such as feet.
  2. Multiply the length and width: Multiply the length by the width to get the total square footage of the area. For example, if the length is 40 feet and the width is 30 feet, the total square footage would be 40 feet * 30 feet = 1200 square feet.
  3. Determine the recommended seeding rate: The recommended seeding rate can vary depending on the type of grass seed and the desired outcome. The seeding rate is typically given in pounds per 1,000 square feet (or kilograms per hectare).
  4. Calculate the seed quantity: Divide the recommended seeding rate by 1,000 to convert it to pounds per square foot (or kilograms per square meter). Then, multiply this value by the total square footage of the area. This will give you the amount of seed needed. For example, if the recommended seeding rate is 5 pounds per 1,000 square feet and your area is 1200 square feet, the seed quantity needed would be (5 pounds / 1000 square feet) * 1200 square feet = 6 pounds.
  5. Consider adjustments: Depending on the condition of your soil, any planned overseeding, or your personal preference, you may want to adjust the seeding rate slightly. This can be done by increasing or decreasing the amount of seed calculated in the previous step.
  • Apply 2 pounds of nitrogen fertilizer per 1,000 square feet in the Fall. Typically late October but our rule of thumb is during the last week of watering.
  • Apply 2 pounds of nitrogen fertilizer per 1,000 square feet in the Spring. Typically early April. 
  • Begin mowing at a 3” height and never cut more ⅓ at a time.
  • May 1st, STOP mowing. Yes, you will see “seed heads” that are unsightly.
  • START mowing when you can see the stalk below the seed heads. Mow at a height 25% lower than normal, 2.75” versus 3”.
  • Remember to water regularly and evenly to maintain a consistent look. Since ProVista grows slowly any browning or damage will take longer to repair. 
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